Labels: in love, love, obsession, passionI never though this would come up in my always in love mind. :)
Just this day, a question pop up in my mind like those ads in the internet shouting to you ANOOOUNNCEEEMENNTTTT!!! Thus, the question is : OBSESSION or PASSION?
I then call the every bff's of all , Mr google. Search for any possible information that will somehow clear my mind into these two things. I'm afraid being obsessed. But definitely, proud to be passionate. I don't wanna be obsessed with anything or anyone. I don't want to have that impression that I'm obsessed with such a thing or person. It makes me think bad, idk maybe simple because of the word 'obsess'. Any how, let's try to check those terms.
Start off with ,
Obsess: Mr. Answers simply answers: To preoccupy the mind of excessively/to dominate the mind or thoughts of.
Passion: still from Mr. Answers says: A powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger/the object of such love or desire.
Upon knowing the two definitions, it then made me think I'm obsessed and somehow passionate. Is there such a thing as good obsession? harhar As that's what I like to think about on what I feel now. A good obsession, well, if there's no such thing as that. I'll just made it up. hehehe Ok, yeah! I admit I'm obsessed. There are lot of things actually, from photography, dresses, heels, foods, quotes, pinks, blacks, Jacob, Bella, Edward, Tricia, Crissey, hahahahaha I'll just add them, they inspire me. what else? more, there are more things that I can hardly remember that I can say I'm obsessed with. I'm obsessed with love, romantic love, to forever. But one thing, that made me worried is the obsession of him. When your obsess about something, you cannot stop thinking about it and you cannot think about anything else, this is just a simply proof that I have obsession with him. A good obsession though, aaahhmmm maybe there's this bad obsession or anything you can tag it with the word obsession.
Nevertheless, when passion sits in. Now I'm blocked and don't know what to write. bwaaaahhhhhhhhhh What I think when passion sits in is : I love having him to love. I love spending each of my days with him. I love smiling and laughing with him. I simply love knowing his worried when I'm sad for that made me fine as well. I love writing every thing that happen to us in our online diary may it be bad or good or naughty or anything. I love reminiscing every memories with him. "I love I have this obsession with him." hahahaha, now that made me though. Well, I discovered what my passion is. 6 years, 2 months and 11 days to be exact. I'm just passionately in love with him and also glad that I have this good obsession of him I just can't get him off my mind not a single minute.
haay, I should be sleeping by now 'coz I still have work at night. It's just those 2 bold words struck me earlier. wt! So, well.............. I need to kick of my a** here and start sleeping. hehehehe
Oppps, I forget for Difference between OBSESSION and PASSION, click here. I stumble upon it earlier while searching for obsession and passion.
nytieee! everyone........
iloveyousomuchmyBanako..mwaah... ♥♥♥
obsession ra na kulit without any passion! hehe. Well, for me I would say I'm madly, crazy in love with you.Neither obsession nor passion. hobby cguro. hehe joke. Whatever u call it! I call it heart-pumping!!. I love u. u always be the reason i live for each day.
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