62nd monthsarry!
Labels: missin someone, monthsarryits our 62nd monthsarry!

on the pictures..obiously g.chat2x mi ana ni myBanako...first time nga g.kita mi sa net kai kana pa nga day naka.pataod cya og nternet...uhuhuh... really miss him so much!.... as n!...murag four hours ko nga g.net ana jas to be wid him on our special day... and im missin him so much... and iL0vehim so much pd... haiszt!..maka.hilak ko og popcorn if iya ko sungogon og pakatawa... kai mka.reminis noon ko sa moments na naa cya nganhi pinas.. uhuuh!.. myBanako, i know in time..maka.apas ra lagi koh.. dba?.. will find ways jas for me to be with you... mwaaha... do tker ntawn dha permi... k? and pray owisz.
its been 13 days that we have not seen each other personally!.. 13 long days of missin and longing with each other..for sure this is just a short days ahead of the both of us...
its our 62nd monthsarry!..and this will be the first time that were celebrating it and not having each other physically but i know emotionaly we are... we both feels the same way even the distance in between... im missin him so much and him missin me so much also... i know he does!. i felt it... and im longing for him every now and then...
this will be so far, the greatest trial that we need to surpass... we used to have each other every now and then.. for 5 years of having each other were treating more than a family member.. hinoon!.. he is myBanako and i am his asawa... heheh... it is just so difficult to adjust because we used having each other... its really a difficult week for me and i know for him... i dont know how i'll explain what it feels missin so much your other half... you will not even noticed that tears will just fall because of missing someone dat much ...
i miss him so much... i really miss him...
i know we have this never ending trials in life but as long as we have each other holding on, for sure we will surpass every trials that will come...
we may be in different place.. his time may be 4 hours advance than my time.. we might not have the same wheather.. the foods we eat may be different... he might discover new things in New Zealand.. and might discover new things in Philippines... but with all these...
i know for sure that we still have the same feelings for each other and i know for sure..
our hearts....our feelings are inseperable...
happy 62nd monthsarry myBanako!...
L0ve L0ts,
kULiT, your asawa
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ahh da paman
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