89th monthsarry on Wellington! (Second Day)
Labels: monthsarry, WellingtonFlashback, flashback, flashback!!!
Our second day in Welli is our 89th Monthsarry and we spent it at Te Papa Tongarewa, Welli's Museum.
Our collections span five areas: Art, History, Pacific, Māori, and Natural Environment. Our exhibitions are interdisciplinary and interactive, and we have dynamic events and education programmes. We also have thriving commercial enterprises, including a publishing division, conference operations, and retail stores. [LINK]
One thing is a must when you visit New Zealand, it's their Museum. It's not just a small room museum but a huge one. Mostly have 3 levels ranges from Art, Maori, History and Biology. And on our special day, US with Ate Rhols stroll and wander around the museum.Went to Mountains to Sea, then head to Blood Eearth Fire and explore the Maori Culture.
Ate Rhols and him did the Haka Dance.
After satisfying, our eyes we need to satisfy our stomach as we are starvingggg. We didn't eat breakfast that day! waaah! Before, we have our lunch we met Ate Mons with her two lovely girls, Remz and Christine.
Then, again stroll to Behieve Parliament Building [second time around]. Since, Ate Mons toured us around the city again.
We need to went home before 5pm since there will be a Send Off Party that we will attend later that night, which is the main REASON as well why we are in Welli. And the reason as well, why Mc2x and Tin2x we're not able to accompany us in the museum.
Head back home and we need to hurry for it's almost 6pm. Five minutes fixing ourselves and then head directly to RAIN, where the engagement party will be held.
Everyone were having fun, looking good and satisfying their stomach with many great finger foods.
After the event, Girls were having Hens off party which is the ever first hens off party I attended while Boys where having the stag party.
What a great day we had on our 89th monthsarry!
Mc2x and Tin2x, the two cutest couple I've met. Congrats and Thank you for the accomodation. Our holiday was a blast.