Friday, August 28, 2009

new hair....

----------------------------------- new hair -----------------------------------------

after 6 months didto sa NZ..... myBanako, decided to cut his hair for the first time didto. And tadaaann.. nibalik na cya pg.kabata not unlike atong kaayo og hair....

... click on the image for larger view

......[seryos mode].............. [kiss mode]...............[g.tink mode]...........

..........[gtink mode npd ;)........................[smile sa bao mode]............

hehehee, the pics were taken niha before saq shift, mi..kana nlang nga pic akong g.gamit bydaways, his wearing his uniform para duty.. hehe..ingon cya murag uniform sa goldilocks dnhi sa pinas.... [Sept.1 na ron, now lng na.published kai karon lng ko naka.kuha sa pics, mao nang niha akong gmean mi]...hahahaha naq ani samot kai dghan kompetensya... hahaha..pero bahala cla!.. bbleee... ako na ntawn na cya og wlay lain maka.ilog... hahahah...

gmingaw naq ani niya pg.ayo.. as n jd!..sobra pa sa gmingaw jd... huhuhu.. mg.almost 7 months nami wala g.kita personally og still inlove jpon ko ani niya bisan og cgeg pangaway.. heheeh..

hoi myBanako, post daw comment... kaw hap!.. hehehe.. mang.luod naq nimo dli ka mo post og comment.. iL0vey0usomuchmyBanako..mwaah...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

too late..


its really too late to change...
too late for everything for me now...
too late to correct all those things...
too late to erase those bad memories and let the good ones prevail.

too late to let him go... i don't know how...
i know i can't...
i love him way toooo much of considering him out of my life....
but the same time i don't wanna be selfish....

it's just ironic that i post earlier things to have a lasting LDR and here i am telling myself to let go...
hahahay, i'm getting tired....

until when i have this strength?
until when i can win?
until when i can endure of all the pain that i started all?

God, please help me...
what my heart desires is to be with him forever.... till eternity it takes...

LDR is not an easy thing.....

How to have a lasting long distance relationship.


LDR is not an easy thing. It's difficult to make short distant relationship work how much more if you're miles, state, ocean or country apart. It's hard to argue things even if your together. And it's much more difficult if you don't see each other face to face. Not knowing how he'll react or she'll react. However, successful long distance relationships can and do exist. LDR can also survive arguements and misunderstanding. But take note, this should be on both parties. BF and GF involved in the relationship not anybody else.

As we experienced ups and downs in LDR. I ponder on things and on factors on how to give our relationship the chance to survive and thrive.

1. TRUST...TRUST..TRUST....not just mere trust that comes out from the mouth.. but TRUST. with the capital T. R. U. S. T. full trust. Trust your partner even if your felt betrayed before. Trust your partner even if you felt pain before. Trust your partner even if you feel his/she's not trusting you. For in trusting you can find true peace in mind and in heart..... [ikanga saq one friend or nila: konsinsya nalng jd na as imong partner!..ang importante wla kai gbuhat nga da.otan og ra nimo cya... hehehe]

2. Open and constant communication with a touch of honesty..

Open and constant communicati0n with a touch of honesty... Constant communication is one key factor for having a lasting LDR...

Conversation that do not comes with lies, conversations that are true. Lies in between let you fool yourself and your partner.

Conversation or communication that has a touch of honesty. Telling your partner what bothers you, telling your partner what you feel, tellng your partner where you are, whose with you, telling your partner your activity for the day and future plans/activities, telling your partner what you feel, why you feel that way, telling him/her anything and everything that lingers on your head... In this way, you can avoid your partner be freak out on thinking what happened to you. It's not necessary that you'll agree on all things also. Disagreements is quite good in a relationship short distant or long distant for it will make you get to know your partner more. However, in such a way there is that something or things that will bind the two of you in which you came up with a unanimous decision.

In this way also, letting your partner know what you are up to for the day will let him/her feel you're included in her/his day to day activities even if your miles, state or country apart.

3. Do things together despite the distance. Defy the distance.
Distance is not the reason you will not do the same things at a time. Do things together than the usual phone call or instant messaging. Right now, I'm still on the stage on encouraging him to do things together as we're still striving to survive each day without each other's side. I'm sending him emails and after work sending him quotes. But needs still to encourage him to be showy enough to me... hehehe..

[to him: anyways, it's not too late myBanako to change... and i just love you the way you are and the way you show how you love me...]

4. Talk about the future, set plans together. Have hope and faith that those will come into reality. Nothing is impossible you just have enough patience and faith that everything will turn out fine and alright in the perfect time set by Him.

Me and myBanako already have plans and hopefully in time, this December everything will turn out alright as we fulfill those plans, our plans, our dreams, our future together.

5. Don't lose grip, hold each other not so tight but enough that you will not let go of the love that was/is/will shared. Still continue to love and hold each others hand. Some way or another there is that rope that binds the two of you. There is that intangible connection that on both ends you and your partner is holding or me and myBanako is holding....

There are lots of things or factors as I search on Google for things that will have lasting LDR. I just came up with 5. If you're on LDR you might as well check out the links below for reference and also for some LDR things and tips. Those might actually help.

Fave LDR site:
Do's and Don'ts on LDR:
LDR comments:

Only believe in two things, Him for guiding you through your journeys and what we so called Destiny....

and the second one....

believe in your LOVE, as it will only take the two of you on your journey... Trust me, LDR will work and worth fighting and waiting for...

ciao!.. be happy and stay in love.. don't ever let go...

Friday, August 21, 2009

happy birthday tita......


I am happy in love again.. hehehe... I had so much fun last night. I was invited to a birthday party of my husband's mom.. hehehe.. I never expected the invitation but well, the invitation was originally sent to myBanako and I was informed by him before hand. But still, I want to come to the party half hearted and last Aug. 19. I miss call his mom to assure that she'll received my greeting. After a minute, she then called and invited me.. whew!.. kolba pd ang show jd dah... heheheheh..


Last night, we celebrated his mom's birthday but physicall myBanako is in NZ. huhuhuh.. I enjoyed the night together with his sistersssss and with the entire family. I felt was I'm part of the family.. hahaha ..bagag nawng og atay... Very well, his family is the best.. the bond, the closeness, the openess .... I witnessed it personally for how many years that I know them...

Before the party was about to end, at around 9pm in Phil's. time and around 1am in NZ's time. He called to greet his mom and before that I keep on sending him emails on what happened in the party. hahahay, I know his family wish his there especially his mom. I was wishing too his there celebrating with them or can I say with us? He talked to his mom, dad, then me.. then to tiny (her sister, next eldest) , then to poloy (his cousin), to his every lambing lola, back to me again, then to idoy (his bro), then back to me again.. hahaha..

1 hour phone call fits everybody to hear his voice...but surely not enough... it's well, at least we heard his voice, knowing his okay and greeting his mom and celebrating with us.... and uhuhuhuhuhu.. i miss him terribly... I was hiding and holding myself so that I can't cry in front of his sister but deep insde my heart moist and wants to cry...

However, I am still thankful for the night that was. For that is one step for making everything alright.

ps: i was not able to take pictures kai na.shy man ko... hehehe
behave ragd kaayo koh...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

happy 68th monthsarry myBanako

68th months!.. and still counting.... 6 months that I haven't see you personally and still counting... i missing you so much and much myBanako.... each day passed, I'm missing you much...


no matter what happens please don't let go...
just hold on.. hold me so tight don't lose grip...
for i know sooner we will be okey... we will be together again....
and reminisce those memories, and have the usual talk we had before....

everything will turn out fine... everything will turn out all right...
believe in me.. and as well as believe in Him for I know He will always be with US guiding us through our journey...


believe as well in our LOVE... for we surpass almost everything and i know for sure we will surpass and get through this..

iLoveyouso much still myBanako... nothing change....

You belong to ME, only and I always belong to YOu.
ps: and there's nothing you can do about it ... hehehe.. ; )

Happy 68th monthsarry myBanako..mwaaaahh..


L0ve L0ts,
kulit, your asawa

hoping, praying, wishing and looking forward to be with You again...

Friday, August 14, 2009

falling apart

-------------------------------- things falling apart -----------------------------------------

For the past few days, we experienced our love been put into a test again. Test that would certainly measure how much we love and how much will hold on and fight.. Before, his faith and trust was put into test.. N0w, it's my turn... I never imagine it feels this way, it is so hard and I felt so guilty for I let him felt that way before.. The feeling is so unbearable..You can't eat no matter how you force yourself to eat... You try to sleep and tend to forget but still , it keeps haunting your thoughts every now and then... You try to enjoy as if nothing happens but still the pretentions is not enough to cover the pain...You can even think things are falling apart, your losing your grip no matter how tight you hold... you tend to smile and then, cry later.. you wanna shout..have many questions in mind that you wish in the first place it should not be there.. you continue to search for answers that somehow will ease the pain... unfortunately, those will not just unfold right there and then in your naked eyes..

Trials will really test you and your special half... you cry and drive you insane... you don't know where to start, how to start and what to do... you don't know why this should happen... You really just don't know why... But not until, you'll be calm and clarify things to the person you can't live without... The only person who will answers those question and who will let you understand and pick you into pieces... The only person who will let you know the truth despite how bad you felt with the revelations and confessions...

There's so much talking and listening, hurting and revelations in the whole process that you need a big heart and a whole mind to understand and accept the truth....

But despite and inspite how it all started... The most important thing is how it will end....

h0ld 0n, fight and love each other m0re...

Monday, August 10, 2009

... new found strength....

---- i know, things will turn out fine..... and everything's gonna be alright....

LAW OF ATTRACTION kULiT ... as wat dis one special person always said...

im trying to be strong... to stand up... and im finding a new strength deep within...
it's just with me all along.. that i got to fight and try things that I can't....

my life doesn't stop on things that I can't do...

I will continue to live as beautiful, pretty girl as I am... despite and inspite the pain....
but still, my best attitude is hopeful....


I'm still hopeful things will turn out just fine....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


i feel so betrayed.....

sa nakong tao...

... e.hilak nalng ko nih!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

1st day of August and i'm not feelin' well....

got a cold, cough, and a clogged nose and super kapoooiii sa lawas... og labad sa ulo..

if august 1 pa onta bie... dli ko mo.duty!.. maybe karon dli ko mo duty kai murag i need to rest... pwerting gkapoi koh and my voice.. super lo.oy na pagaw njd kaayo... hahahay, i hate being sick...

i hate this.. i need and must get well soon...

but despite sa akong gpamati karon I'm still happy... weeee!! becoz it's already August....


it seems a long moth.. pero ok rah!.. i can get through with it.... and much excited to end August napd... pohon!...

hopfuly, no more doing tings that we can't myBanako.. k?..

out nami.. weee..
just a quick post ni

iL0vey0usomuchmyBanako.... mwaah.....

hapit paman og post.... hahahaha

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